Before the days of Jack the Ripper, there was another Jack terrorizing the streets of Victorian London. Spring-Heeled Jack, the fashionable shape-shifting Victorian Era boogeyman terrorized citizens from all walks of life for upwards of 50 years without ever directly taking a single life. Over a century later, the mystery remains: was this monster truly a lunatic on the loose, or merely an urban legend?
BBC - Legacies - Myths and Legends - England - Black Country - Spring-Heeled Jack - Article Page 1
An aristocratic spectre: a series of violent attacks… - Jacob Middleton - 2011
Spring Heeled Jack - Epsom & Ewell History Explorer - Peter Reed - 2019
An aristocratic spectre: a series of violent attacks… - Jacob Middleton - 2011
Spring-Heeled Jack - Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser - Aug 16, 1884,
Spring-heeled Jack: To Victorian Bugaboo From Suburban Ghost - Mike Dash - 1996
The Legend of Spring-Heeled Jack: Victorian Urban Folklore and Popular Cultures - Karl Bell - 2011
Spring Heeled Jack: The Terror of London - The Unredacted - Mar 25, 2016
Spring-heeled Jack: To Victorian Bugaboo From Suburban Ghost - Mike Dash - 1996
The Ghost Again - A Strange Story - The Morning Chronicle London - Feb 22, 1838
The Ghost, Alias “Spring-Heeled Jack” Again - The Morning Chronicle London - 08 Mar 1838
The Leaping Boogeyman Who Terrorized Victorian England - History Collection - Oct 24, 2017
Spring Heeled Jack: The Terror of London - The Unredacted - Mar 25, 2016
Origins of 'Painting the town red': Waterford, England & Alcohol-fuelled debauchery | The Irish Post
Spring-heeled Jack - David Clarke - Folklore and Journalism - 2011
BBC - Legacies - Myths and Legends - Spring-Heeled Jack - 2003