Isolated on the Isle of Man, the Irving Family’s farmhouse began receiving a mysterious visitor in the autumn of 1931. At first thought to be a weasel living in the walls, soon the mischievous creature learned speak several languages, sing songs, and hurl insults - as well as projectiles - at his enemies. Meet Gef, the talking mongoose whose sassy antics took the Irving family on a wild, tempestuous ride!
Gef the Talking Mongoose… 30 Years Later - Walter McGraw - Fate Magazine - 1970
Mystery of the Talking Mongoose of Cashen’s Gap - American Weekly - 1936
The Haunting of Cashen's Gap - Harry Price & R.S. Lambert - 1936
Speak, Mongoose: On Gef... Colin Dickey - LA Review of Books - Oct 29, 2017
Gef the Talking Mongoose - Christopher Josiffe - Fortean Times - April 2010