Is it bad vibes? Evil energy? Trapped souls? What is it that makes one place seem to attract more tragedy than others? In the early 1900’s the Dudgeon family took up residence on a swampy swath of land in White Cloud, Michigan. During their tenure on the land, their bullish behavior and unsavory deeds caused chaos, ended lives, and turned the Dudgeon Swamp into a place feared by locals to this day.
The David and Romie Hodell Murders - Lee W. Keippel - Newaygo County Historical Society Archives
Meda Hodell, freed after 27 years in prison -The Muskegon Chronicle - Aug. 1, 1949 (
Say White Cloud Farmer Murdered - Lansing State Journal - May 10, 1922
Investigate Mob in Newaygo Co. - Lansing State Journal - Aug 3, 1922
Confess to Murder after Mob Hangs them to Tree - Harrisburg Telegraph - August 1, 1922
Clubs Spouse and Poisons His Father - Sioux City Journal - Aug 12, 1922
Hodell Trial Goes to Jury - Detroit Free Press - Oct 26, 1922