In 1973, two teenagers ventured to a festival in upstate New York to see their favorite bands play. With just a few dollars in their pockets and a hitchhiking sign that read “To Watkins Glen”, no one knows if they ever made it to the concert. There they stood, two kids on the side of the road with sleeping bags strapped to their backs, slowly fading in the rearview, never to be seen again. Their disappearance would become one of the oldest missing persons cases in United States history.
Without a Trace… - The Jewish Weekly - Eric Greenberg - July 24, 1998
2 Who Set Out for Watkins Glen Are Still Gone - The New York Times - Apr 9, 1974
Bigger Than Woodstock: Remembering Summer Jam At Watkins Glen
Missing Teens' Classmates Issue Plea - Eric Greenberg - Jewish Telegraphic Agency - Jun 23, 2000
At Dewey HS, a reunion—and 27-yr. Mystery - Don Singleton - NY Daily News - Jun 18, 2000
Triggering Memories of the Missing - Eric Greenberg - Newsday - Aug 13, 1994
Search for Missing Teens Expanded - Eric Greenberg - The Jewish Week - Jun 30, 2000
The Missing in New York - Poughkeepsie Journal - Aug 2, 2021