Could you identify a monster hiding in plain sight? What if he was your colleague, neighbor, or even your own father? Brewing beneath the surface of a seemingly mild-mannered accountant, was a horrific family annihilator driven by a twisted world view. One day John List snapped, committed an unimaginably gruesome mass murder, and then he simply disappeared into thin air.
John List - Katherine Ramsland - TruTV Crime Library - May 2008
Father Wants Us Dead - Rebecca Everett - NJ.com - Dec 05, 2021
The Bogeyman of Westfield - Mark Di Ionno - NJ.com - Mar. 25, 2008
1971 Family Killer Breaks Silence - ABC News - Feb. 20, 2002
John List - Katie Serena - All That's Interesting - Nov 16, 2021
Murder Threat Is Described In List Case - Joseph F. Sullivan - The New York Times - Mar 27, 1990
Concern Over 'Moral Values'... - Joseph F. Sullivan - The New York Times - Apr 3, 1990
Music Played… as Police Found Bodies of 5 - Joseph F. Sullivan - The New York Times - Apr 4, 1990
Suspect… Caught With Aid of TV Show - Robert D. McFadden - The New York Times - Jun 2, 1989
Killer of Family Gets 5 Life Terms - Los Angeles Times - May 1, 1990
The Watcher John Graff family murder is based on true story | EW.com