What would you sacrifice to live freely? Would you fight every day, out loud, to defend your way of life? For Martha P. Johnson, living on her own terms was a non-negotiable part of her existence. Her outspoken activism and advocacy led her to be one of the most prominent figures of the gay rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s in New York City. She was a living legend, until one tragic day in 1992 her body was found floating in the Hudson River. Over 30 years later, her death is still shrouded by questions but her legacy remains unshakable.
Overlooked: Marsha P. Johnson - Sewell Chan - The New York Times
Who is Marsha P. Johnson? Drag Queen Gay Activist - Hope Coke -Tatler - Jun 25 2020
Stonewall 1979: The Drag of Politics - Steve Watson - The Village Voice June 15, 1979
Pay It No Mind - The Life and Times of Marsha P. Johnson, 46:36 - 47:36
“The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson” - Stephen Rutledge -The WOW Report - Apr 6, 2017
Who Started The Stonewall Riots?... - Michael Musto - The Village Voice - Apr 10, 2012
Marsha P. Johnson: Transgender Hero… - Dalvin Brown - USA Today - Mar 27, 2019
The First New York Pride March… - Andrew Solomon - The New York TImes - Jun 27, 2019
Randy Wicker On… Marsha P Johnson… - Sadie Bargeron - British Vogue - Jun 16, 2020
The Death of Marsha P. Johnson and the Quest for Closure - Sal Bono - Inside Edition - Mar 30, 2019
Marsha P. Johnson Case Reopened! - Michae Musto - The Village Voice - Nov 26, 2012
Activists Install Marsha P. Johnson Monument - Jen Carlson - Gothamist -Aug 25, 2021
Marsha P. Johnson,... to get monument in N.J. hometown - Rebecca Panico - NJ.com - Feb. 15, 2023
New York… dedicates state park in memory of LGBTQ activist Marsha P. Johnson - Metro Weekly
Marsha P. Johnson Park… - Kirstyn Brendlen - Brooklyn Paper - Aug 25, 2022