We humans are made of a hodge-podge of parts that sometimes feels like they were designed by someone with a dark sense of humor. It is amazing, and frankly terrifying how little we actually do understand about the inner workings of our bodies. From vestigal twins and disappearing tumors, to x-ray vision and picking up radio waves with your teeth, its no wonder that some people believe in gods and demons. In some cases, no amount of science can explain the bizarre unknown of the human body.
5 Stunning Medical Miracles That Doctors Can't Explain - Gretchen Voss - The Healthy
16 of the Weirdest and Wackiest Facts On the Human Body - Dr Chris & Dr Xand - Penguin UK
5 Amazing Things About The Human Body - Discover Magazine - Allison Futterman - Nov 3, 2022
The Most Unfortunate Design Flaws in the Human Body - George Dvorsky - Gizmodo - Feb 7, 2014
How Did that Boy End up with his Twin Growing Inside him? Alok Jha - The Guardian - Jul 17 2003
Orbital Tumors and 'Monstrous' Teratoma with Eyes - Healthline - Mar 16, 2023
Did Lucille Ball's Fillings Help Capture Japanese Spies? - David Mikkelson - Snopes - Jul 24, 1999
How Lucille Ball Heard Spies Through Her Dental Fillings - Bradford Family Dentistry
Poltergeist Activity of Angelique Cottin - Shelly Barclay - Paranorms - Nov 2011
...Diagnoses of 'x-ray' girl hard to stomach — Ian Sample - The Guardian - Sep 24, 2004
The Amazing Human Body – Innate Intelligence - Health Max Chiro
Remarkable Recoveries Buoy Faith and Spirits - Alicia Chang -Los Angeles Times - Dec 28, 2003
Cancer screening: Doing More Harm than Good? - Shannon Brownlee - Today.com Mar 12, 2009
Man's Failing Heart Heals Itself… - Erin McLaughlin - ABC News - Sep 25, 2012
Nebraska Man in Need of Heart Transplant… Has ‘Miracle’ Recovery - NY Daily News - Sep 25, 2012