Grief is a powerful thing. It's extremely personal and can make us act in ways unforeseen. So what happens when an entire nation experiences a loss, as they did in 1865 when President Lincoln was assassinated? The powers that were at the time decided to give the people an outlet for their grief with a small tour of part of the country featuring their dead president. It would be known as the Lincoln Ghost Train, which would serve as a public display of grief and all of it's strange and unexplained forms.
Lincoln Funeral Train Part One: Washington DC to Indianapolis - Indiana Historical Bureau
President Lincoln Lies in State at the White House-
President Lincoln's White House Funeral -
Lincoln Funeral Procession | National Museum of American History
Funeral Observances for Abraham Lincoln at the U.S. Capitol -
Abraham Lincoln’s Funeral Train: How America Mourned for Three Weeks - HISTORY
150th Anniversary of Lincoln's Inaugural Journey - (U.S. National Park Service)
How Lincoln's funeral train car perished in Minnesota | MPR News
THE OBSEQUIES; Removal of the Remains from Washington. - The New York Times - April 22, 1865.
The Route of Abraham Lincoln's Funeral Train - Roger J Norton
White House Hauntings - Lisa Mohr - The Dispatch (Moines, Illinois) Oct. 24, 1993.
Night Switchman Describes Eyewitness Account in 1872 - Unmasked History Magazine
About Albany evening times. [volume] (Albany [N.Y.]) 1869-1881 « Chronicling America «
The Assassination of Lincoln: History and Myth - Lloyd Lewis - 1994.
Ghost Train Vigil a Bust - Greg Goth - Poughkeepsie Journal - Apr 27, 1989
Looking for the ghost of the Lincoln funeral train with 'The Q Files' - Columbus Monthly